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NS2 course on Udemy

Hello everyone! I have published a course on Network Simulation using NS2 on Udemy. It covers all the basics and advanced concepts in details. Get a 40% discount through below coupon. Click the link to directly apply the coupon. It covers below topics: 1. Introduction and installation of NS2 2. Introduction to TCL and OTcl 3. Writing wired and wireless scripts 4. Utilities like, cbrgen, setdest and Bonnmotion 5. Introduction and code review of AODV and DSR protocol 6. Cloning of an existing protocol 7. Trust management and Performance analysis 8. Automation of performance analysis using Bash scripting 9.Graph plotting using GNUPLOT
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YouTube channel on NS2 on Ubuntu

Hello friends! Recently, I have started a YouTube channel explaining all the concepts that I have put on this blog. Please check the channel. Link is here => All the updated video tutorials will be posted on YouTube channel. So, Please subscribe to my channel! Thank you! Happy learning!

How to print Routing table of each node in NS2

You need to pass node id as an argument to this method. e.g. in withing rt_resolve() method, rt_print(0); This will print node 0's routing table at that time with file name as node_0 . void AODV::rt_print(nsaddr_t node_id) {     FILE * tmpFile;     char tmpFileName[50] = "node_";     char tmp[10] = "";     sprintf(tmp,"%d",node_id);     strcat(tmpFileName,tmp);        tmpFile = fopen(tmpFileName, "w");     aodv_rt_entry *rt;        for (rt = rtable.head(); rt; rt = rt->rt_link.le_next)     {         fprintf(             tmpFile,             "Node Id:%i Current time:%.4lf Destination:%i Next hop:%i No. of hops:%i Seq. No.:%i Route expire:%f Flags:%.4lf %d \n", ...

How to add trust table in NS2.

I am assuming AODV protocol. In add below code trust_entry::trust_entry() {    //Initialize as per your need. } trust_entry::~trust_entry() {   //Deconstruct as per your need. } trust_entry* trust_store::trust_lookup( nsaddr_t node_id) {      trust_entry *rp = trusthead.lh_first;      for (; rp; rp = rp->trust_link.le_next) {              if (rp->node_id == node_id)                  break;      }     return rp; } void trust_store::trust_delete( nsaddr_t node_id) {     trust_entry *rp = trust_lookup(node_id);     if (rp)     {         LIST_REMOVE(rp, trust_link);         delete rp;     } } trust_entr...

How to debug NS2 using gdb

1) Extract  NS2 tar file. 2) Modify from ns-allinone2.34/ns2.34/             1. change CCOPT = @V_CCOPT@ to CCOPT = @V_CCOPT@ -g  2. add -DNDEBUG -DDEBUG to the end of DEFINE = -DTCP_DELAY_BIND_ALL -DNO_TK @V_DEFINE@ @V_DEFINES@ @ DEFS at -DNS_DIFFUSION -DSMAC_NO_SYNC -DCPP_NAMESPACE=@ CPP_NAMESPACE at -DUSE_SINGLE_ADDRESS_SPACE -Drng_test  that is:  DEFINE = -DTCP_DELAY_BIND_ALL -DNO_TK @V_DEFINE@ @V_DEFINES@ @ DEFS at -DNS_DIFFUSION -DSMAC_NO_SYNC -DCPP_NAMESPACE=@ CPP_NAMESPACE at -DUSE_SINGLE_ADDRESS_SPACE -Drng_test -DNDEBUG -DDEBUG  now browse to .../ns-allinone/ns2.3x and run ./configure and after that "make clean" and then "make" 2) Open terminal and type in "gdb ns" 3)then " run tcl_file_name" If there are errors gdb will stop at respective location.

Runtime packet loss calculation in NS2

Hello friend, here I am going to present a method to calculate the runtime packet loss. I am going to show this using ns2 2.34 and AODV.       Sometime we require packet loss to calculate trust value (in case of Trust Based protocols where it is done by no. of packets sent - no. of packets received).        I am going to show the calculation for a particular pair of nodes. Steps involved:- A) We will have to add a node as a malicious node which will drop the packets      intentionally. You can add a malicious node using this link. B) Second, we'll set the AODV in promiscuous mode, where every node will      listen to its neighbors. 1) We need to modify in total 3 files to set AODV in promiscuous mode, so it's     good to take a backup of it.     Files are: ns-allinone-2.34/ns-2.34/aodv/ ns-allinone-2.34/ns-2.34/aodv/aodv.h ns-allinone-2.34/ns...