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Showing posts from 2012

Runtime packet loss calculation in NS2

Hello friend, here I am going to present a method to calculate the runtime packet loss. I am going to show this using ns2 2.34 and AODV.       Sometime we require packet loss to calculate trust value (in case of Trust Based protocols where it is done by no. of packets sent - no. of packets received).        I am going to show the calculation for a particular pair of nodes. Steps involved:- A) We will have to add a node as a malicious node which will drop the packets      intentionally. You can add a malicious node using this link. B) Second, we'll set the AODV in promiscuous mode, where every node will      listen to its neighbors. 1) We need to modify in total 3 files to set AODV in promiscuous mode, so it's     good to take a backup of it.     Files are: ns-allinone-2.34/ns-2.34/aodv/ ns-allinone-2.34/ns-2.34/aodv/aodv.h ns-allinone-2.34/ns...

How to use promiscuous mode in AODV NS2

Introduction:-           In Promiscuous mode each node in the network listens the packets transmitted by its own neighbor nodes.            In NS-2, some time we have to calculate the packet drops or analyze the process. For the same we need to set the network to operate in promiscuous mode. Here, I am going to explain how we can set our wireless network in promiscuous mode with AODV as Routing protocol using NS2 simulator. 1) We need to modify in total 3 files, so it's good to take a backup of it.     Files are: ns-allinone-2.34/ns-2.34/aodv/ ns-allinone-2.34/ns-2.34/aodv/aodv.h ns-allinone-2.34/ns-2.34/tcl/lib/ns-mobilenode.tcl 2) Open the file ns-allinone-2.34/ns-2.34/aodv/aodv.h in your favorite editor     and make the changes as shown in blue color.   #include <mac.h>   class AODV: public Tap, public Ag...

How to configure Eclipse for NS-2 (2.34) in Linux.

1) Install the NS2. 2) Make a backup copy of your NS2 folder, i.e. ns-allinone-2.34 somewhere so     that you can reset the changes by replacing. 3) Download the Eclipse SDK 3.7.2 Indigo (Classic) from here . This file is      approx. of size 174 MB. 4) Download the CDT from here. This file is approx. of size 44 MB. 5) Copy the "eclipse-SDK-3.7.2-linux-gtk.tar.gz" file to user folder (/home/user)      and extract. 6) Open the eclipse and set the workspace as /home/user/ns-allinone-2.34. 7) Now in Eclipse go to Help->Install New Software... A window with name     "install" will pop up. Then go to Add. Put the values as shown below.     Name:- CDT     Location:- Browse to the "" file. 8) Check "CDT Main Features" and "CDT Optional Features", click next,     then accept license and finish. At last it will ask you to restart Eclipse, the...