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Showing posts from 2013

How to print Routing table of each node in NS2

You need to pass node id as an argument to this method. e.g. in withing rt_resolve() method, rt_print(0); This will print node 0's routing table at that time with file name as node_0 . void AODV::rt_print(nsaddr_t node_id) {     FILE * tmpFile;     char tmpFileName[50] = "node_";     char tmp[10] = "";     sprintf(tmp,"%d",node_id);     strcat(tmpFileName,tmp);        tmpFile = fopen(tmpFileName, "w");     aodv_rt_entry *rt;        for (rt = rtable.head(); rt; rt = rt->rt_link.le_next)     {         fprintf(             tmpFile,             "Node Id:%i Current time:%.4lf Destination:%i Next hop:%i No. of hops:%i Seq. No.:%i Route expire:%f Flags:%.4lf %d \n", ...

How to add trust table in NS2.

I am assuming AODV protocol. In add below code trust_entry::trust_entry() {    //Initialize as per your need. } trust_entry::~trust_entry() {   //Deconstruct as per your need. } trust_entry* trust_store::trust_lookup( nsaddr_t node_id) {      trust_entry *rp = trusthead.lh_first;      for (; rp; rp = rp->trust_link.le_next) {              if (rp->node_id == node_id)                  break;      }     return rp; } void trust_store::trust_delete( nsaddr_t node_id) {     trust_entry *rp = trust_lookup(node_id);     if (rp)     {         LIST_REMOVE(rp, trust_link);         delete rp;     } } trust_entr...

How to debug NS2 using gdb

1) Extract  NS2 tar file. 2) Modify from ns-allinone2.34/ns2.34/             1. change CCOPT = @V_CCOPT@ to CCOPT = @V_CCOPT@ -g  2. add -DNDEBUG -DDEBUG to the end of DEFINE = -DTCP_DELAY_BIND_ALL -DNO_TK @V_DEFINE@ @V_DEFINES@ @ DEFS at -DNS_DIFFUSION -DSMAC_NO_SYNC -DCPP_NAMESPACE=@ CPP_NAMESPACE at -DUSE_SINGLE_ADDRESS_SPACE -Drng_test  that is:  DEFINE = -DTCP_DELAY_BIND_ALL -DNO_TK @V_DEFINE@ @V_DEFINES@ @ DEFS at -DNS_DIFFUSION -DSMAC_NO_SYNC -DCPP_NAMESPACE=@ CPP_NAMESPACE at -DUSE_SINGLE_ADDRESS_SPACE -Drng_test -DNDEBUG -DDEBUG  now browse to .../ns-allinone/ns2.3x and run ./configure and after that "make clean" and then "make" 2) Open terminal and type in "gdb ns" 3)then " run tcl_file_name" If there are errors gdb will stop at respective location.